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Sunday, 2 February 2014

Tips For The Health Of The Mouth Of Children

Mike Walden the author of Acne No More, also researched about childern’s mouth health. According to him there is a steady increase in the cases of tooth decay among children, which increased in the last two years by 33 percent compared with previous years. I have chosen you to my article this month inspired this study.

Under deciduous baby teeth to decay, which produces acids produced by bacteria in the mouth and analyze the structure of the tooth. It is necessary to deal with it quickly in order to prevent exacerbations and its impact on children's health, and there are several options for this, including fillings and treatment of nerve.

The Parents must show their child to a dentist children immediately if they noticed the injury of one of his teeth deciduous caries, since they must be subject to his teeth for immediate treatment to prevent the transformation of caries simple to decay deeper needs to treat nerve, and thereby protect the child's teeth from exposure to any risk of a subsequent, protection Permanent teeth and get good oral health, where a specialist doctor to select the type of treatment depends on the degree of damage as a result of decay.

If cavities in the teeth between the simple and the Mediterranean, is treated using white fillings, which requires some time and need to be a child patient and cooperate with the doctor in order to be installed.
In cases of non-simple cavities or dental deep need for reform across the PMCs, which are fitted to the child under local anesthesia, and this kind of crowns are used primarily for the treatment of decay deciduous molars.

The deep cavities in the teeth may be necessary to treat the subject radicals also known as "stuffing nerve", and which is recommended when nerve injury Age Milky damaged, after verification by using the rays of that age will not fall and replaces the permanent enactment in the coming period. And then is removed part of the nerve is located in the old or the entire nerve, under local anesthesia, and replace it with a special stuffing.

If the doctor after examination found that treatment with such fillings would not work with infected teeth caries. It may also be necessary in some cases to take off teeth before the scheduled date, and if so what caused, for example, to impede the emergence of permanent teeth, or were part of the calendar will undergo his treatment of the child.

In the case early teeth can be saved into the original Age through the installation of a special device called "Keep distance", where preserves the space allowing for age Permanent bottom Age deposed emerge naturally.

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